Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Mission 2 Scenario 1: Crossing the Ethel

Got my third game of Rangers in. My wargaming has been at an all time high now that I can game on my own. 

After returning from the foray into the Osterwald, Valerian was quickly given a new assignment. Orcs had been penetrating from beyond the Ethel River into Alladore. Reports suggest that the Orcs have secured the Ostmark crossing and the Tower of Tor Varden. Valerian was given the task of scouting the area, and if possible to retake the ancient Tower. 

Quintus Falco was sent ahead to scout the terrain and observe the Orc position. The Orcs did not seem to know of the Rangers presence. The Rangers moved forward cautiously and split up.

 The filthy Orcs, were busy running a muck and scuttling about their camp. 

Valerian, Luke, and Rogvaldas moved up the Eastern flank slowly, as an Orc sentinel was near. 

On the western flank, the wily Varus sprinted forward to cover while Cornelius Gaius and Quintus advanced along the rocks. 

Valerian decided to take his group and spring into action. They quickly felled the scout without raising any awareness

The Orcs continued to move about chaoticly in their camp

As Valerian and crew dispatched the first Orc sentinel, they had been spotted by an Orc Scout to their rear. The Orcs raised the alarm and the scout took aim and missed

Cornelius and Gaius charged an unsuspecting Orc Scout. 

Valerian, Rogvaldas, and the hound moved into dispatch the scout.

Cornelius was badly wounded in the fray....but the western party pressed on.

The Orcs in the camp had caught site of Valerian from across the bridge charged forward.

Two orcs stayed behind to guard the camp.

The Orc Chieftain however, was eager for blood.

Two Orcs approached from the crossing and charged wildly at Luke

Valerian and Rogvaldas formed up to meet the Orcs with steel.

After dispatching the Orc scout, Varus and Gaius made way to Valerian

The first Orc was killed but the second came seconds later, and seconds later he was killed

As the group killed the second Orc the chieftain closed in 

Gaius came to bolster the line, and the Chieftain was felled

The group advanced and were ambushed by a sneaky Orc.

A soldier scout from a nearby garrison had come to the crossing alone... but his presence was welcomed by an Orc archer taking aim and missing.

The Soldier charged the archer, and Varus and Quintus rushed to his aid.

Valerian got to the bridge and was met by an Orc 

Raven scouts from the shadow deep had arrived to the rear of the ranging party. The Ravens were too late as the rangers had already established a strong footing on the Northern bank of the river.

The Ravens dispersed as they would not be able to get to Tor Varden Tower in time to warn the Orc Occupation

With the Ostmark Crossing secured, the Ranging party advanced to the ancient watchtower of Tor Varden.

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