As the Ranging Party emerged damaged and bloodied from the bog lands, they became alarmed by screams in the distance.
As the Rangers drew near, they realized where they were. Despite all the foul corruption spread in the lands, the Sanguine Abbey still stood. However, God only knows what lies within.
The Ranger's split up to over the major entrances of the Abbey.
To the Ranger's surprise, a few monks and Lorenthian Soldiers still lived and defended the Abbey. Their faces were grim and hope had faded from their memories.
Valerian, Cornelius, Alaric, and a Lorenthian Knight named Balerius held the Northern flank and clashed with zombies while Quintus made way to treasure in the distance.
As combat erupted throughout the Abbey an un-welcomed screech came from the Shadows. It took the deaths of a Lorenthian Archer and monk to bring down the wicked TWO-headed troll. Not to mention Rogvaldas had one last remaining bit of vitality before getting healed by Valerian.
The defenders regrouped around and in the Abbey as the night was still young.
The marauding Orc Hunting Parties had now arrived in significant numbers.
Two foul spiders emerged from within the Abbey and surprised the defenders
As day began to break the remaining Orcs fled the area, the Abbey had been held. The Ranger and Monks took what books they could carry back to Alladore, as the Abbey would now be undefended against the corruption of the Shadow Deep.