Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ghost Stone Part 1

Ghost Stone Mission 1: Rear Guard

As the Shadow Deep grows stronger the Eastern Borders of Alladore have been overrun. Ranging parties have been sent to the Eastern Borders to provide intelligence and cover for the battered and retreating army. 

A Noble of Caer Morin, Gryffydd Ap Morin, assembled a Ranging Party to help his domain's longtime ally Alladore.

Left to right: 
Halwyn the Swordsman, Gryffyd, Celdwyn the Archer, Ewen the Men at Arms, Conwy the Guardsman, and Gwythyr the Barbarian. 

As the mists of the shadow deep fade at the horizon, familiar figures appear. Its the Men at Arms of Alladore in retreat. 

The Rangers of Caer Morin split up to meet the ethereal invaders and cover the Alladorian retreat.

Some Alladorians are caught by their pursuers as the Rangers make a desperate attempt to rush to their aid.

The Northern flanks was cleared but the Eastern and Southern approach remained engaged.

Gryffydd and Halwyn rush to the central eastern front to cut the advance of the ethereal foes. 

Just when the Northern Flank seemed clear another specter emerged and confronted Gwythyr the Barbarian.

Halwyn split from Gryffydd to cut off the specters advance towards Celdwyn. His noble attack bought enough time to stop the specters advance, but let Halwyn wounded and unable to continue the mission. 

Gwythyr and Ewen rush toward their wounded brethren to confront the specter.

As the specters are cast back into oblivion, Conwy makes his way to a clue and finds a treasure.

Shrieks appear from the Western flank. An Alladorian soldier had been driven mad by the Shadow Deep and was now a minion of the Shadows. Celdwyn took aim at the mad soldier and ended the Alladorians regrettable corruption. An Orc warrior then appeared and howled in defiance at the Rangers.
The retreat of the Alladorian Soldiers was complete, but it was clear that the Ranging party had to leave the area to the Shadow Deep as Orc parties began swarming the area. Their Mission was complete and saved several Men at Arms.