The Ranging party was making their way back from the Shadow Deep to their barracks when they came across a group of tattered auxiliary border guardsmen. The Guardsmen approached and had frightened looks across their faces.
The Guardsman had been attacked by a pair of Werewolves the previous night. The werewolves ripped through the majority of their garrison, only four men remained. The remaining auxiliaries, Covin, Seb, Nicolan, and Orin requested the Rangers' assistance in investigating the attack.
The party gathered at the southwestern approach of the barracks.
And advanced cautiously, as the stench of death and wet dog permeated through the air
The party split up with the Auxiliaries heading east and the Rangers heading North. A wolf sprung out of the nearby wood and attacked the auxiliaries. The wolf was killed with little hardship.
As the Rangers approached the Barracks Farm, three shadow deep flies emerged from farm muck.
Seb detached from the auxiliaries to investigate a raft floating in the pond. He found a dead auxiliary on the raft with obvious werewolf claw lacerations
The Rangers continued their leisurely fly extermination
While the Auxiliaries engaged in rat extermination
The Rangers switched gears toward rat extermination as well
A howl came from within the barracks. The Werewolf had decided to make his presence known
Gaius ventured into the farm muck to investigate a clue
The auxiliaries were proving less capable exterminators than the Rangers
Seb climbed atop the raft and made way to the water's edge. God only knows what lurked beneath.
The Rangers gathered their strength before the impending face off with the Werewolf
As Seb made his way to investigate the hay cart, a zombie emerged from the depths of the pond
Seb was caught by surprise by the Zombie
Orin ventured into the woods and found an old man cowering amongst the trees
Nicolan and Covin rushed to aid Seb. Nicolan's careful blade brought the end of the zombie
Seb made his way to the cart, and found the carcass of a dead dog.
A grimwolf emerged from the wood behind the barn
The Rangers swarmed the werewolf, but a grimwolf emerged from elsewhere in the barracks and attacked Valerian
Gaius joined the rest of the rangers and removed the grimwolf threat. The Rangers were now free to take down the Werewolf
The Auxiliaries made their way to the barracks
a grimwolf was bearing down on the auxiliaries, while the Ranger's investigated the barracks. Outside Nicolan began shrieking coughing and hunching over.
NICOLAN was the second Werewolf...the auxiliaries were in for a fight
Nicolan engaged his former brethren but was bested in his attack. Seb then brought the final blow to the hellspawn's existence with his weighty axe.