Friday, May 9, 2014

The Nobles Have Answered the Call of the Gods

Today I unveil, the Pagan Noble cavalry 
(they've been done for some time)
My favorite concept behind this project is that 90% of the minis can be used in almost any barbarian army from Goths of the 200s all the way to Lithuanian armies up until 1300.  
(and about 60% will be suitable all the way back to 200 b.c., Now thats what I call versatility)

The miniatures are made from the bodies and horses of wargames factory celt cavalry, while the heads and several weapons are from the gripping beast saxon and vikings plastic sets (one head is from warlord games plastic celts). Sheild decals are LBMS. Flag is from here

Defend the Great Hall!

These next figures are my personal favorites of the unit

(For more info on the Bannerman, and more importantly the banner, check out my previous blog post)

Majority of the finished Pagans 
(the astute observer will notice the infantry have new shields)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Noble Pagan Horsemen and SHEILDS

Painting as many pieces of a model separately is the only approach!
Saddles were painted on their own, the horses were painted separately, 
as were the riders and the shields.  
Makes for way less headaches for hobbyists that are not enthralled with painting.  

Here we have a paper Banner I found over at (Don't throw a one Blog)  

To avoid unsightly white areas after I close the flag, I painted the inside edges with colors that would blend with the outside.

Heres the Bannerman.  I used a sparing amount of white glue on all edges of the flag,

Fold The banner with some realistic ripples and voila!

 I sprayed the shields on the sprue brown, gave a quick tan dry brush,  and painted the bosses silver.

And added the decals. These shields are ready to protect the pagans!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I think we are in Pagan territory

The Knights are finally complete, banner and all.

Apparently flash makes a nighttime shot

Hostile Territory

Charge! Ride down the heathens!

All knights were slaughtered in the making of this post.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Its been the better half of a year since my last post.  I finally sat down and put the brush to the mini.  I would like to thank Netflix's American House of Cards for inspiring me to pick up the brush, Kevin Spacey's character starts painting civil war minis and diorama.  Any-who heres the good stuff!

Heres the first show of my nearly Completed Teutonic Knights from fire forge.  The capes made attaching the heads a little awkward, and I feel the sculpts are rather limited in positioning.  However, I am unbelievably happy with the final product.

 I sprayed the sprues white and painted the desired bits on the sprue.  I find it the only hassle free approach to painting.  There is way more room to maneuver.
I never glued the knights to their mounts.  The transfers are from battle flag.  They make a sheet specifically for the Fireforge Knights.  I am definitely a novice when it comes to transfers, Ive only used GW transfers previously.  The transfers did not stick sufficiently with water 70% of the time.  I began coating/gluing the transfers in place with GW clear varnish.  Luckily for me it got the job done.
Here they are, still no banner or flock.  I evened out the bases by watering down spackle and then dumping on sand immediately after.  

Next time they will be flocked and surrounded by pagans! hopefully the bannerman will have a banner as well!