Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Scots are here!

Let me start by saying how much I love these GB models. The models have such a variety in armor and have positions that ooze character.  Just as important for me is the ability to use models in varying contexts. These guys are good from the mid 3rd century as Picts or Irish raiders and scots untill the late twelfth for highlander/ islemen armies.  Dare I say, even islemen/highlanders of the early 14th century.
Anyway I painted these up for my buddy. They were sitting in my house for years with a grainy spraypaint coat that we thought may have ruined the models. But these models were too awesome to waste. I simple greened the boys and removed the layer of primer. The successful removal of the primer gave me the inspiration to see the Scots through. I knew my friend was likely not going to. I also had been practicing tartan patterns on my Barbarian army, so I felt confident in my ability for the Scots.

Some fantasy Celtic elements thrown in (maybe I'll purchase the rules Of Gods and Mortals).

Spear Hearth Guard and Warlord

Hand Weapon Hearth Guard and Warlord

Warriors 1

Warriors 2

Now I need some saga action. Need 2 more points though.... but I have suitable stand in hearthguards, warriors, and levys, for now.